Dumbleton Parish Council exists to help local residents fully participate in the local community, and to provide a forum for their views on how the area should develop in the future. The Council aims to encourage good communication and involve as many of our parishioners as possible in its various activities. The parish encompasses two villages – Dumbleton and Great Washbourne.
The Council also has a number of formal responsibilities – for example, it is required to respond to every planning application that is lodged in the parish, and is responsible for the upkeep of assets around the parish such as bus shelters, war memorials and more.
A small part of the annual council tax bill (known to the Council as the precept) is allocated to the Dumbleton Parish Council to enable it to deliver on all this.
The Council’s Vision
To retain the character of the villages in the parish and maintain the quality of life for the people who live in the parish by creating a strong and thriving hub for the local community and ensuring our parish is an attractive place to live, work and play for people of all ages.
Aims and Objectives
Dumbleton Parish Council aims to provide effective, efficient and accountable local government for our parishioners, enabling local residents to be involved in the life of the community and in the parish’s future development.
We aim to:
- Understand and communicate the views, needs and aspirations of our residents and local businesses
- Increase public involvement in the community through ensuring the parish council and its activities are open, transparent and accountable
- Where appropriate, support local business and economic activity in the area
- To support the work of local voluntary organisations
- Respond to planning applications and other statutory consultations on time, ensuring that recommendations made to the Borough Council reflect the interests of the community
- Promote, within our community, activities which support the principles of environmental sustainability and an ethical society
- Ensure that councillors and staff have access to high-quality training and development opportunities and that they meet all required standards
- While endeavouring to deliver these aims and objectives your Council will be financially accountable, and will always work responsibly and within the confines of our annual budget.