

In partnership with Gloucestershire County Council’s Highways department, the Parish Council works to ensure the roads within the Parish are kept in good condition. If you see a defect or a problem with any of the following, you can report it directly to the Highways department:

  • Potholes
  • Lights, signals and signs
  • Damage to pavement or kerb
  • Trees, hedges and vegetation
  • Drainage and flooding
  • Spillages or obstructions on the road and Public Right of Ways (PROW) such as public footpaths and bridleways

To report any highways issues, report the problem online or email the department directly on

Alternatively you can use

Fix My Street 

You can also highlight any non-emergency concerns that you have with highways around the parish to us. Please email the Parish Clerk (or use the form below) with details of the issue including the precise location. If the issue poses a danger to public safety please contact GCC’s emergency number listed below.

Emergency Issues

If a highways issue poses an immediate danger to public safety call the emergency number immediately: 08000 514 514

Emergency highways issues are classed as follows:

  • Objects on the highway network (i.e. a fallen tree)
  • Faulty temporary or permanent traffic lights (i.e. stuck on red)
  • Exposed cables
  • Multiple street lighting faults
  • Flooded roads
  • Potholes (over 75mm deep) – non-emergency potholes can be reported online

Report a non-emergency issue to the Parish Council

You can report highways issues to the Parish Council – use the form below to tell us about the problem you’ve seen. Please note: if the issue poses an immediate danger to public safety, call the emergency number shown above immediately.

Use the dropdown menu to choose the category of the issue you're reporting
Please tell us as precisely as possible the location of the issue you're reporting. Feel free to include a Google Maps link.
Please tell us as much about the problem as you can